Berlin, 10 Dec. 2013

Erdogan, Gezi and Turkey 2013

Revisiting the mass protests which shook Turkey and the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in 2013, Ludwig Schulz argues in his analysis that polarization in the country will continue due to the constant political campaigning for local, presidential and parliamentary campaigning in the country in 2014-15.

Schulz - Erdogan, Gezi und die Türkei 20
Adobe Acrobat Document 346.3 KB

Ankara, 3 Dec. 2013

The Changing Parameters of Partnership: The US - Turkey - Germany

Ludwig Schulz contributed to an expert workshop organized by the Middle East Technical University Ankara, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and the Brandenburg Institute for Society and Security with a panel lecture on "Assessing success and failure of JDP's foreign policy."

Vienna, 25 Nov. 2013

Saudi Arabia and the Arab Spring

Dr. René Rieger gives a talk on Saudi Arabia at a symposium, entitled "Middle Eastern Monarchies and the Arab Spring", at the Austrian Association for the Middle East (Österreichische Orient-Gesellschaft Hammer-Purgstall).

Munich, 11 Oct. 2013

Visiting Delegation from Chulalongkorn University

Michael Bauer, visiting lecturer at Chulalongkorn’s Graduate School, receives a delegation from Chulalongkorn University’s department of international politics that visits Germany on a DAAD study trip.

Sidi Bou Said, 26 Sep. - 3 Oct. 2013

Young Leaders Forum in Tunisia

Michael Bauer chairs the concluding event of the Young Leaders Forum (YLF) of the Leading Change Across the Mediterranean Program. The forum brings together young leaders from North Africa and Europe and offers them a platform to exchange perspectives and ideas, learn from each other, network, and develop joint projects. The YLF is organized by the Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP), the Arab Institute for Human Rights, and the American University in Cairo

Riyadh, 19 Sep. 2013

Mediation in Saudi Foreign Policy

Dr. René Rieger gives a talk about Mediation as a tool of Saudi foreign policy at the Institute of Diplomatic Studies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Munich, 30 Aug. 2013

Western Military Intervention in Syria?

René Rieger gives a live interview to the Munich-based radio station Radio Gong on the current situation in Syria.

Christine Straßmaier publishes an assessment on the consequences of the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

Zur aktuellen Lage in Syrien
Christine Straßmaier_Zur aktuellen Lage
Adobe Acrobat Document 463.9 KB

Munich, 29 Aug. 2013

Chemical Weapon Use in Syria

René Rieger comments on the current situation in Syria on Germany's most listened-to radio station Antenne Bayern.

Tutzing, 7 Aug. 2013

Quo Vadis Türkiye?

Ludwig Schulz and Christine Straßmeier gave two workshops on Turkish foreign policy and the Middle East at the conference ‘Quo vadis Türkiye? Die Außenpolitik der Türkei am Scheideweg’, at the Academy for Civic Education in Tutzing, Germany.

Munich, 5-23 Aug. 2013

Munich International Summer University

Michael Bauer gives a three-week seminar on European affairs for students from Peking University (PKU). PKU is a partner university of the University of Munich, and the program takes place within the framework of the Munich International Summer University (MISU).

Munich, 30 July 2013

The Middle East at Crossroads

Michael Bauer chairs the workshop “The Middle East at Crossroads,” co-organized by MEIA Research, the Center for Applied Policy Research (CAP), and the Bundesverband Sicherheitspolitik an den Hochschulen München.

Cambridge, 2-5 July 2013

2013 Gulf Research Meeting

René Rieger participates in the 2013 Gulf Research Meeting in Cambridge, UK, where he presents a paper, entitled "In Search for Stability: Saudi Arabia and the Arab Spring."

Tutzing, 1 July 2013

Arab Spring

Dr. Anja Opitz gives a talk on "Der politische und gesellschaftliche Wandel in Nordafrika" (The political and social chance in North Africa) at the Conference "Gesellschaften im Umbruch: Frauen in Nordafrika" (Societies in Transition: Women in North Africa) ath the Academy for Civic Education in Tutzing, Germany.

Munich, 28 June 2013

Visiting Delegation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Michael Bauer welcomes a high-ranking delegation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences that visits Germany for a ten-day study and dialogue trip. The program is organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s office in China

Munich, 26 June 2013

Protests in Turkey

Turkey in Uproar
Turkey in Uproar

MEIA Research organized a timely panel discussion on the topic "Die Türkei in Aufruhr: Die inneren Ursachen und die Folgen der Proteste" at AmerikaHaus Munich.


Speakers: Prof. Dr. Stephan Stetter (Uni BW), Ekrem Eddy Güzeldere (Journalist and Political Scientist from Istanbul via Skype), Ludwig Schulz


Moderation: René Rieger

Tutzing, 14 June 2013

Impacts of the Arab Spring

Thomas Schiller talks about the Arab Spring's impacts on international relations at a conference on current developments in the Arab World at the Academy for Civic Education in Turzing, Germany.

Munich, 13 June 2013

Protests in Turkey

Ludwig Schulz gives an interview to the public radio station Bayern 2 on current developments in Turkey.

Tutzing, 13. Juni 2013

Arab League Simulation

Sebastian Schäffer presents an Arab League simulation model at a conference on current developments in the Arab World at the Academy for Civic Education in Tutzing, Germany.

Munich, 12 June 2013

Taksim in Turmoil: Turkish Spring and Erdogan's Fall?

MEIA Research and the Center for Applied Policy Research host a discussion round with Prof. Mohammed Ayoob, University Distinguished Professor of International Relations and coordinator of the Muslim Studies Program at Michigan State University. Prof. Ayoob is coming directly from Istanbul where he witnessed the protests on Taksim Square.

See more pictures of this event

Tutzing, 10-14 June 2013

Conference on Changes in the Arab World

Dr. Anja Opitz chairs a conference entitled "Umbrüche und Veränderungen in der arabischen Welt" at the Academy for Civic Education and Research in Tutzing, Germany.

Munich, 7 June 2013

Protests in Turkey

Ludwig Schulz gives an interview to the primary German public TV channel Das Erste on current developments in Turkey.

Munich, 5 June 2013

Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East

Greg Thielmann, senior fellow at the Arms Control Association (ACA) in Washington, D.C., gives a talk on "Nuclear Proliferation in the Middle East" at Amerika Haus.


Moderation: René Rieger

Munich, 3-12 June 2013

European Studies Program

Michael Bauer teaches a two-week European Studies course for students of the National University of Singapore. The seminar takes place within the framework of the Munich International Summer University (MISU).

Munich, May 2013

Arab Spring

Christine Straßmaier wrote a position paper entitled "Quo Vadis Syrien? Akteure und Szenarien für einen Stellvertreterkrieg."

Doha, 28-30 April 2013

Promoting Deeper EU-GCC Relations

Michael Bauer participates in the international workshop “Promoting EU-GCC Dialogue on Foreign Policy Issues” that is jointly organized by the Gulf Research Center, the Global Governance Institute, and Qatar University in Doha.

Lucerne, 26-27 Apr. 2013

The Future of Human Rights Education

Michael Bauer gives a talk on political education at the International Human Rights Forum in Lucerne. On an expert panel on the „Arab Spring“ he discusses the role of human rights education in the context of the changes taking place in North Africa.

Friedrichshafen, 26-27 Apr. 2013

Visiting Lectureship at Zeppelin University

René Rieger teaches a two-day seminar on recent developments in the MENA region at Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen.

Antalya, 10-13 April 2013

German and Turkish perspectives on the Middle East

Michael Bauer gives a lecture about German perspectives on political changes in North Africa at a seminar for German and Turkish journalists that is organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s office in Turkey. 

Tutzing, 5-7 Apr. 2013

Arab-Israeli Conflict

Dr. Anja Opitz chairs a conference entitled "Krisenmanagement? Die internationale Gemeinschaft und der Nahost-Konflikt" at the Academy for Civic Education in Tutzing.

Munich, 4-8 Apr. 2013

Young Leaders Forum in Germany

Michael Bauer and Dr. Anja Opitz chair the second Young Leaders Forum (YLF) that takes place at the Academy for Civic Education in Tutzing, April 4-8. The YLF assembles participants from Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland and is a program of the Leading Change Across the Mediterranean Project that is jointly organized by the Center for Applied Policy Research, the American University in Cairo, and the Arab Institute for Human Rights in Tunis. 

Munich, 22 Feb. 2013

Arab Spring and Transformation Partnership

Michael Bauer gave an interview to the German news channel BR Alpha on current developments in the Arab world and the transformation partnership program he conducts in cooperation with Egyptian and Tunisian institutions.

Bangkok, 13 Feb. 2013

Visiting Lectureship in Bangkok

Over the next two weeks, Michael Bauer teaches at the Interdisciplinary Department of European Studies at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand.

Tunis, 11 Feb. 2013

Transformation Partnership

Sebastian Schäffer, together with Dr. Christoph Schnellbach, holds a workshop on simulation development at the University of Carthage in Tunis.

Mainz, 18 Jan. 2013

Arab Spring

René Rieger talks about "Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the Arab Spring: The Arab Gulf Monarchies’ Influence on the Developments in Egypt, Tunisia, and Syria" at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.