Beirut, 15 May 2024

EU Support for Lebanon

Michael Bauer examines the agreement between the European Union and Lebanon to support the country in managing its finance, security, and refugees problem.

Berlin, April 2024

Jordan: New Anger At the West

Edmund Ratka published an analytical observation of how Jordan perceives and reacts on the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Western policy at the German "Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik".

Berlin, Winter 2023

Regional Risk of the fragile Assad regime

Michael Bauer analyses the fragility of the Syrian Assad regime and which regional consequences this has for the German magazine "Zenith" (in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation).

Amman, 23 October 2023

Jordan's role in the Middle East and for Germany

Edmund Ratka published a contribution on the role of Jordan in the Middle East and for Germany for the KAS International Reports.

Berlin, 18 October 2023

The Approaches on Syria of the Arab Gulf states

Sebastian Sons, together with Aziz Alghashian and Tobias Zumbrägel, analyses the Syria and normalization policies of the Arab Gulf states for the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Berlin, 16 October 2023

The Gulf region's new rulers

In his new book Sebastian Sons explains the complexity of the Gulf region's societies questing for a new identity and passing through change.


Sebastian Sons
Die neuen Herrscher am Golf und ihr Streben nach globalen Einfluss

published by Dietz 2023 (in German only)
(Graphic: Dietz)



Beirut, 13 September 2023

Syrian Persepctives on Normalization

Michael Bauer, together with Anne-Sophie Bauer, publishes an analysis of the way the Syrian civil society perceives the normalization policies of Middle Eastern states with the Assad regime.

Amman, 30 August 2023

The Jordanian Paradox

Edmund Ratka explains the paradox of Jordan between a participatory and a statecraft controlling the society.

Beirut, 24 February 2023

"Shattered ground, shattered politics"

Michael Bauer wrote an analysis with Anne-Sopie Bauer of the political and socio-economic situation after the devastating earthquake in Syria and Turkey.

Vienna, 29 December 2022

Iraq's Search for the Social Contract

Wolfgang Mühlberger published a discussion paper (in German) titled "Iraq's Search for the

Social Contract. An Approach to Promoting Social Cohesion Cohesion and State Resilience" for the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS).

Tutzing, 9 December 2022

Conflicts over Resources and geopolitics along the mediterranean

Wolfgang Mühlberger gave a lecture on "Conflicts over resources, geopolitical tensions and approaches for resolution: Focus on Libya and Lebanon" at the Academy for Civic Education Tutzing within its conference "Conflicts of interests and rivalies along the Mediterra-nean" (Photo: Academy for Civic Education Tutzing)


Amman, 1 November 2022

Wanderer between the worlds

Edmund Ratka wrote an essay on the topic of the history and present of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for the Magazine Zenith.

Berlin, November 2022

"I can be pregnant later"

Berlin, 21 September 2022

The challenge of the FIFA Championship in Qatar

Sebastian Sons analyses the multiple challenges of the FIFA Championship confronting Western politics and society. He argues for questioning the policy of doging and of defending human rights only when interests are not concerned, and pleas for a clear strategy towards Qatar - huma rights are not for sale!


Sebastian Sons
Menschenrechte sind nicht käuflich.

Warum die WM in Katar auch bei uns zu einer neuen Politik führen muss


published by Atrium 2022 (in German only)


Berlin, 13 June 2022

Out of Sibiria, into the desert?

Ludwig Schulz published with Simon Engelkes the analysis "Out of Sibiria, into the desert? North Africa and the Middle East as Building Blocks in Europe's energy transition" in the International Reports, issue 2, 2022, of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.

Beirut, 1 June 2022

Analysis on Lebanon's general elections

Michael Bauer published an analysis (in German) on Lebanon's parliamentary elections in his capacity as director of the Lebanon Office of Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Berlin, 18 May 2022

The Agony of Choice

A conference titled "The Agony of Choice. Political Participation in the Middle East and North Africa in the 2020's" took place in Berlin, organized by the Regional Department for the Middle East and North Africa of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, summarized by Ludwig Schulz.

Berlin, April 2022

German political foundations in the Middle East

Katharina Konarek published an analysis of the role of German political foundations as promotors for democracy in the Middle East in the Journal Orient (2/2022) of the German Orient Institute Berlin.

Vienna, 17 December 2021

The OSCE and MeNA security, 10 years after

Wolfgang Mühlberger wrote an analysis on the OSCE's cooperative approach to Middle East and North African security, ten years after the Arab Spring, for the Italian Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI).

Wiesbaden, 1 December 2021

Turkish-Jordanian relations

Ludwig Schulz and Nur Köprülü (University of the Middle East Lefkoşa) wrote a chapter (in German) on Turkish-Jordanian relations since 2016 for the book "Turkey's Foreign Policy in the Middle East. A survey since 2016" (in German only), edited by Prof. Wolfgang Gieler and Dr. Christian Henrich, published by Springer.

Beirut, 17 October 2021

Two Years After The Thawra: Things got worse

It's been two years that mass protests against a corrupt and dysfunctional political system and for wider reforms have erupted, little has changed since politically in Lebanon. The economic crisis is worse than ever. There are hardly any prospects for genuine reforms. Only the elections scheduled for 2022 offer a little hope. Michael Bauer analyses the situation in his Länderbericht (available in German only) for Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Lebanon.

Munich, 9 June 2021

Call for Participation to the 2021 Young Security Conference

 Call for Participation to the 2021 Young Security Conference in Munich


In 2021, MEIA Research again supports the Young Security Conference (YSC), a joint program for young professionals and academics in the field of security studies. The YSC  aims at connecting young thinkers with policy experts and academic scholars in a dialogue about the future of European security and defence. It combines a flagship conference with a strategic fellowship programme.


We cordially invite Master Students, PhD candidates, post-docs and young professionals from around the world to present their work and proposals at this second edition of the Young Security Conference Programme, this time on the topic of


"The EU's strategic autonomy. Momentum for change"


The YSC 2021 takes place on the 12th and 13th of July in Munich at the historic Amerikahaus in a hybrid format, meaning all sessions will be streamed live and workshops will be held online. This year, the YSC will host policy sessions with high-ranking policy makers & some of the best thinkers from all over Europe! Some of the morning-session workshops are dedicated to the YSC Fellows (selected through this call for participation), to critically discuss diverse topics and to foster political innovation. The afternoon- and evening sessions will be organised in close cooperation with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and the Thomas-Dehler-Foundation and are open to the public.


Through the submission of policy papers, workshops, panels, and innovative exchanges and techniques, the conference provides a perfect environment for sharing and discussing new ideas related to the new EU strategic autonomy at all levels.


Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we propose to incoming fellows and the entire YSC alumni community a special training programme: during the one-year YSC Fellowship, Fellows will have the occasion to present their ideas, works and proposals, to discuss and exchange with high ranked panellists and ‘academic advisors’. The YSC Fellowship program will focus on many issues related to the future of Strategic autonomy and European Affairs.


For all information click the following pdf file.

Adobe Acrobat Document 404.2 KB

Haifa, 20 May 2021

Insights on escalations with and insight of Israel

Katharina Konarek gave shared her insights on rising tensions within the Israeli society between Jews and Arabs, and on the military escalation between Israel and Gaza, in an interview with Die Wochendämmerung and an article for dis:orient.

Amman, 11 April 2021

100 Years Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

In an essay for and in talks with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Edmund Ratka reflects the historical past and contemporary situation and role of Jordan on the occasion of the foundation of the Hashemite Kingdom in 1921, 100 years ago.

Amman, 5 April 2021

Turmoil in Jordan's Royal Palace

Edmund Ratka informed in a statement and an interview to Deutschlandfunk Kultur about recent turmoil in Jordan, after rumors about a planned coup against the monarch from royal and military ranks appeared in public.

Haifa, 23 March 2021

Interview on the Israeli elections

Katharina Konarek gave an interview to WDR 5 radio (in German) on the elections to the Israeli parliament, the Knesset - taking place fourth within two years due to complicated government formation.

Amman, 9 March 2021

German-Jordanian relations

Dr. Edmund Ratka published an analysis on German-Jordanian relations - "Jordan as a partner of Germany's Middle East policy" (in German).

Bamako, 16 February 2021

G5 Sahel Summit in chad

Thomas Schiller gave an interview to Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (in German) about the so called G5 summit of the Sahel countries - Niger, Mali, Mauretania, Chad and Burkina Faso - taking place after France's decision to withdraw troops for its fight against terrorism that shakes the region.

Berlin, 11 February 2021

Interview with Alaa Al-Aswany

How do politics and literature relate to each other? Where does Egypt stand, ten years after the toppling of long-term dictator Hosni Mubarak? How stable are authoritarian regimes in North Africa and the Middle East? The Egyptian novelist Alaa Al-Aswany answered these questions in an interview conducted by Michael Bauer.

Berlin, 17 December 2020

ten Years Since the Arab Spring

Ten years ago a massive wave of protests started in the Tunisian countryside and shook authoritarian regimes across the MENA-region. In his position as policy advisor at Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Michael Bauer gave an interview on the causes of the Arab Spring and how the region has developed since.